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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Zombies R Us

Thanks to everyone who helped with the Mind Rip zombie shoot Sunday night! My feet and fingers are still pruny, my voice is hoarse, and I've got blood and dirt in places you don't want to know about.

We had more than two dozen eager zombie volunteers. They were made up, slapped with mud, and told to walk through tall weeds in pouring rain. And they kept coming back for more. What's wrong with these people?

I saw the footage today, and it rocks! We got shots that any big budget production would be jealous of. It's really gratifying to see what we can do with a little talent, some elbow grease, and buckets of enthusiasm.

Special thanks go out to our make-up crew, headed by Terry and Mary, who made a little foundation go a long way. Thanks also to the gentlemen of the West Webster Fire Department and the staff of MacGregor's who put up with our shenanigans.

We have a few more scenes to shoot before the promotional trailer will be edited and made public. In the meantime, I plan to post some behind-the-scenes stills and video soon.

To stay up to date with the project, become a fan of Mind Rip here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mind-Rip/147839051857

If you have any snapshots or video from Sunday night, feel free to post them on our wall!

-Mike Boas